Lanbide Employment Public Agency new website

We improved the different service processes with step by step explanations

Lanbide has undergone significant changes and updates since our first website design nearly ten years ago. As with any organization, adapting to new challenges, rebranding, and strategizing for improved service delivery is essential to staying relevant and effective. This approach showcases Lanbide’s dedication to ensuring that their online presence effectively supports their mission in today’s dynamic environment.

What is Lanbide?

Lanbide is the Basque Employment Service, a public employment agency based in the Basque Country. Lanbide’s primary goal is to facilitate the integration of job seekers into the labor market and support companies in finding suitable talent. It operates under the auspices of the Basque Government and is responsible for implementing various employment and labor market policies in the region.


Lanbide has a multi-faceted approach with three primary targets: job-seeking citizens, companies seeking to hire new talent, and educational and orientation centers that collaborate with Lanbide. Designing the website’s information architecture to cater to the needs of these three distinct user groups is a crucial step in ensuring that the site is relevant and useful to everyone involved.

Given that requesting subsidies or services from Lanbide involves certain procedures and the submission of necessary documentation, it’s important that the website provides clear and accessible guidance. The website should ideally offer step-by-step instructions, downloadable forms, and a user-friendly interface that helps citizens and companies navigate the application process smoothly.

By addressing the complexities of these processes and providing detailed information, Lanbide’s website can alleviate potential confusion and minimize obstacles for users. This approach aligns with the agency’s goal of facilitating access to its services while also ensuring that users have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and procedures involved.

Our contribution

Collaborating closely with stakeholders to identify the main user stories for the three distinct targets demonstrates a user-centered design process. This approach ensures that the website’s structure and content answer to the specific needs and expectations of each user group, enhancing their experience and engagement.

Focusing the navigation on the user targets
is a logical and efficient way to guide users to the relevant information and services they’re seeking. This user-centric navigation approach streamlines the user journey and minimizes any potential confusion or frustration.

Creating a design system that encompasses not only components but also navigation patterns and templates is a forward-thinking move. This system will not only provide a consistent and cohesive visual and interactive experience across the website but also facilitate future scalability and flexibility when building new pages and features.

Our involvement in extending the brand language through versatile illustrations showcases a holistic design approach. By suggesting additional visual elements that align with the existing brand, we contribute to maintaining a cohesive and engaging visual identity throughout the website.

Overall, our efforts demonstrate a comprehensive and strategic approach to designing Lanbide’s website, taking into account user needs, navigation efficiency, design system development, and brand alignment. This approach results in a website that effectively serves the needs of its users and contributes to Lanbide’s mission and goals.


  • A service approach to the website, using timelines to describe the processes.
  • Modular elements that help the website grow and change.
  • Templates that provide consistency to the website.
  • Focus on what’s relevant for the target.

Clear structured information is key

Clear structured information is key

Creating structured templates for presenting information about programs, services, and procedures is a highly effective approach to enhancing user comprehension and engagement on the website. By using clear and identifiable blocks of content, users can quickly understand the information presented and navigate through the content more efficiently.

By structuring information into these clear and identifiable blocks, we are not only improving the usability of the website but also enhancing user satisfaction and the likelihood of users finding the information they need.

Quick access

Quick access

Using off-canvas panels to provide easy access to documentation, contact information, and procedures was our strategy for enhancing user convenience and navigation on the Lanbide website. This approach ensures that essential resources and tools remain within reach without requiring users to leave their current page or disrupt their browsing flow.

Off-canvas panels are a popular design solution that keeps the user interface clean and uncluttered while still offering quick access to important information.

Statistics to help you find your career

Statistics to help you find your career

Providing a detailed current employment status by location and job position, complete with up-to-date charts and data, is a highly valuable feature for Lanbide’s website. This type of information empowers both job seekers and employers with insights into the local job market, aiding in decision-making and strategic planning.

Step by step procedures

Step by step procedures

Describing each procedure as a step-by-step timeline with corresponding documentation or forms is an excellent way to simplify complex processes and create a more user-friendly experience on Lanbide’s website.

By offering a structured and user-friendly approach to procedures, Lanbide demonstrates its commitment to providing a supportive environment for users seeking its services. This approach minimizes user frustration, promotes successful completion of procedures, and contributes to a positive overall user experience.

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